Learn everything from creating financial accounts, managing them for proper bookkeeping, importing transactions, different currencies, merchant fees, and bank reconciliations.
Connect Financial Accounts
How to Import Bank Transactions Manually
How to download QIF or QFX files from my bank
Converting CSV to QIF
How to account for transaction or merchant fees from Paypal, Stripe, and other payment gateways
How to track loans and other liability accounts
Tracking fund transfers and credit card payments
Resolve possible duplicates
How to do Bank Reconciliations (and why you need to)
Re-Authenticating Your Bank Account and Multiple Factor Authentication (MFA)
What are accountless transactions?
Importing and Managing Older Transactions
My bank transactions are auto-importing, do I still have to do bank reconciliations?
Fix financial account balance issue
Archive or Hide a Financial Account
Personal expenses from business funds, or business expenses from personal funds
Where do I get blank checks from?
Can LessAccounting handle multiple currencies?