Learn about how to set up your new account, manage businesses, and basic settings to customize your LessAccounting experience.
Learn everything from creating financial accounts, managing them for proper bookkeeping, importing transactions, different currencies, merchant fees, and bank reconciliations.
Find everything you need regarding contacts here.
Learn about how to fully utilize the Invoice and Proposals functions in LessAccounting.
Learn all about expenses from the basics of categorizations to fully automating it, keeping track of unpaid bills, and more.
Learn how to find specific transactions, troubleshoot, group together for easy referencing, and communicate / review with your team.
Read more about setting up your sales or estimated taxes, and tracking mileage.
Learn about all the different types of reports, how to customize, and how to generate them.
Learn all about the features available in your Dashboard.
A step by step guide to getting new bookkeeping clients on board. Just set it up, and we'll take care of the rest!