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I can't see all of my data.

Trusted members, untrusted members, member access, member permissions

Yzza avatar
Written by Yzza
Updated over a year ago

I'm the account owner and can't see all my data.

By default, several of our reports and transaction lists are filtered based on a specific date range, typically the last 30 days or the current month. If you require data beyond this range, we recommend trying to filter by an alternative date range. This will allow you to view a broader range of data. Alternatively, you can select the "All Dates" option to view all available data without any date restrictions.

I'm an invited member and can't see all my data.

If you find yourself unable to view all your data or access certain parts of a website as an invited member, it is possible that you have not been granted full access. To address this issue, it is recommended to request the account owner (who likely extended the invitation to you) to navigate to the "Manage Team" section and select "Existing Members." From there, they can designate you as a "Trusted Member."

Being marked as a Trusted Member will grant you extensive access to various account functionalities, similar to the account owner. This includes the ability to create and edit transactions and invoices, view reports, and more. Conversely, "Untrusted Members" may have limited access to these features.

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